John Drew, Jr. Gallery
The Mummy and the Humming Bird -- with Lionel
Barrymore Oct.-1902
The Mummy and the Humming Bird at the Empire Theater. John
Drew played Lord Lumley with Miss Margaret Dale who was Lady
Lumley. "I can't understand it."
Mr. Isaac Henderson wrote "The Mummy and the Humming
Bird". the basis of Mr. Henderson's play is the resentment
felt by young Lady Lumley at her husband's neglect. She looks
for devotion elsewhere, and thinks she has found it in Signor
d' Orelli, an ingratiating Italian who writes passionate romances.
But this gentleman, the "humming bird," as, before
the play begins, debached and deserted the wife of Giuseppe,
the organgrinder (Lionel Barrymore); the woman has died in shame
and misery, and these are the facts which Lord Lumley, the "mummy,"
elicits from Giuseppe, just after discovering that his own wife
has a too friendly regard for d'Orelli. This is the situation
at the end of the first act. The rest of the play, by means of
exceedingly adroit and effective devices, shows how the scientific
nobleman is transformed into a detective; how, in saving his
wife, the mummy becomes a man; how d'Orelli is entrapped in his
own snares, and how the shadow of the vendetta is left looming
in the background as the final curtain falls. Disparagers says
that Mr. Drew, instead of sinking himself in a part, does the
opposite. But very rarely is the actor found who can get so far
away from his own personality that the personalities he assumes
cannot be detected as having any relation to it.
The wonder is that an actor not notorious for charm of presence
can deeply interest multitudes in roles that do not greatly v
ary. This could not be done without the sparks that Mr. Drew
occasionally strikes out, and they flew, when necessary, from
his Lord Lumley. Lionel Barrymore's large ability for tragic
acting was limited to act one, and shook the house. He is not
only the stage; he is an actor. Where Miss Dale's graceful and
pleasing power more robust, it is doubtful whether her Lady Lumley
would get so much sympathy.
Portrait of Augustin Daly reading a new play to the members
of his company. Portait depicts from left to right, John Moore,
William Gilbert, Charles Leclercq, John Drew, Augustin Daly,
Charles Fisher, May Fielding, James Lewis, George Parkes, Mrs.
G. H. Gilbert, Ada Rehan, and Virginia Dreher.
Threatened by the President of the Republic,
who is engaged in a little revolution, Travers sends out to sea
over the wireless an appeal for an American warship, which arrives
in time to effect a rescue. John Barrymore is in white and Fuller
Mellish and Harry Senton are seating. Other actors included Lucille
Watson, George Nash, William Collier, Nanette Comstock, Thomas
McGrath and Edward Abeles. |
Letters to Actors I have Never Seen to John Drew from Millicent
Moon, at the Academy for Young Ladies--on the Hudson:
My Dear John Drew:
"Wasn't it a shame? I came awfully near seeing you last
week. I mean, of course, behind the footlights, and then just
missed it....I know if I saw you act I'd enjoy you immensely.
I adore that bored expression you always wear. It suggests a
thorough man of the world. And the way you fix your hair so much
hair as you have, when so many younger men, if not as talented
as you are, are compelled to wear false fronts. Do you use any
patent tonic? I argued (with a friend) you didn't, that if you
did there would be a great big picture of you having your head
scrubbed on every elevated station in New York.
"My brother says you're a great society pet, and that
you have the entree to all the best houses; that you call lots
of scions of our oldest families by their Christian names. One
day when I was driving in the Park, I saw you on your cob. I
thought you looked just too cute for anything. A friend of mine..told
me she saw you in a play, but you need a change of parts. For
five years now, she declares, you've done nothing but prevent
foolish and thoughtless young wives from taking the irreparable
step. Those are her own words, for I don't exactly know what
she means. She says she would like to see you naughty just once
on your own account. But thought I'm very fond of her, I think
she's gone out so much she's become cynical.
"But the picture of you on that cob lives in my memory
yet, and what I'd love would be to have Mr. Frohman present you
in a sporting comedy, in which you could appear on a pony in
a polo match. ...They say you are awfully good to your family
and relatives, and that one year there was hardly a member of
your company who was more distantly related to you than as a
first cousin...I shall see you next fall surely, even if I have
to have the measles to get away from this stupid place. Very
sincerely yours, " Millicent Moone.
John Drew and his Daughter, Miss Louise Drew,
Who made her debute on the state two years ago, and now appearing
in "The Whitewashing of Julia." In 1914 the
papers reported: "It is to be expected that a daughter of
John Drew should make a name for herself as a clever actress,
purly on her own merit. This Louis Drew set about to accomplish,
and she is proving her ability every day by the laurels she is
winning in the rollicking farce at the George M. Cohan Theatre,
"It Pays to Advertise." Here Miss Drew arouses hearty
laughter as the phone Comtesse de Beaurien, who sends off streams
of French volubility that does not betray, at the time, an undercurrent
of Bowery slang. Her more than superficial knowledge of French
Miss Drew owes to her education abroad. She was born in New York
and went to a convent in Philadelphia. After graduating she studied
in France for two years, and then, being a Drew, went on the
stage. Her first appearance was with her father in "The
Second in Command," followed by "Iris" in which
she played Aurea Vyse. For a year and a half after that she played
Molly in "Strongheart" with Robert Edeson, and then
played with her cousin, Ethel Barrymore, in teh Clyde Fitch play,
"her Sister," taking the part of Miss Minety. "Love
Watches" came next, with Billie Burke, and then she returned
to her father to appear with him as Isabella in "The Single
Man." Again she appeared with Ethel Barrymore in "Midchannel,"
"Trelawney of the Wells," and "Alice-Sit-by-the-Fire."
Last summer she was seen as Sally Swift in Philip Barholomae's
"Kiss-Me-Quick," remaining in the part after it had
been turned into a musicial comedy, and later in the season played
in 'What Would You Do?'" |
John Drew is Hilary Jesson, with Hope Latham
as Mlle Thome, Derek as Leona Powers, Made Girdlestone as Geraldine
Ridgeley and C.M. Halland as Filmer Jesson. The title of this
photograph is Hilary Jesson finds the wife supplanted by the
sister-in-law. |
Hilary Jesson pleads with the persecuted Nina
not to revenge herself by exposing the illicit relations of the
first Mrs. Jesson. |
Hillary Jesson (John Drew) and Nina (Margaret
Illington. Act III, Nina shows her husband's brother the damaging
letters. |
John Drew after a photograph by Sarony - 1909 |